Water service line. MWC photo by Mike Leischner
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — The City of Wausau’s lead service line replacement program plans to swap out nearly 2,000 lead pipes in 2025.
According to a press release from the city, the EquiFlow program has secured $15 million in funding, including enough grant funding to replace 1,900 private side pipes at no cost to the homeowner.
Crews will focus their efforts on neighborhoods located in central and southern Wausau. Homeowners in those targeted areas have been contacted and are encouraged to submit a self-verification form through the city’s website to determine if their line needs to be replaced.
Those who qualify for replacement will be contacted once their self-verification is processed and it is determined if they have a lead or galvanized steel line that needs to be replaced.
More information on the program including the self-verification form can be found on the city’s website or by clicking here.
Just over 600 lines were replaced in 2024, the first year of a five-year program to replace all of the city’s private side lead water pipes. The program is dependent on outside funding.