WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) – The B.A. & Esther Greenheck Foundation has awarded The Good News Project a $100,000 grant.
“The e-CYCLING program demand has increased by over 25% and what happens in relation to that is the volunteer participation rate has increased by 46% in order to keep up with that demand,” says Development and Marketing Manager Susie Arnold.
The organization has been accepting donations for their Capital Campaign program, which will support updating essential equipment and meet the need for building safety, security, and design effectiveness for their rapidly increasing local programs. As of right now, the initiative has raised 54% of its campaign goal, which is $950,000.
The Good News Project reported a 29% increase in 2022 in both the number of volunteer hours required to meet rising demand and the public’s requests for medical equipment via the Health Equipment Lending Program (HELP).
Arnold asks that people visit the organization’s website to see what is needed and in high demand as the group currently only has a small number of items they are accepting for donations due to limited space caused by construction.
Anybody interested in making a donation can find out more at goodnewswi.com/donate. Arnold expressed her gratitude and appreciation to everyone who has donated time and money to the program.