WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — Thursday brings the annual “Dine Out and Shop Around” event to support the Be Amazing fund.
Local restaurants and shops will donate a portion of their sales for the day to Be Amazing, a local non-profit created in memory of the victims of the March 22nd, 2017 shooting incident in the Wausau area.
Be Amazing founder Cheryl Goetsch says the idea came from her 5th grade class. She says she challenged them to find ways to help others. “As word spread about what the kids were doing, we had some interest in a group of adults to see if Be Amazing could be more than just projects in a 5th grade classroom.”
Goetsch and others worked with the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin to launch the non-profit, which now distributes grants and funds to other groups looking to make a positive impact in the community. That includes making blankets for Veterans and hospital patients, treat bags for soldiers deployed overseas, and non-slip socks for those in nursing homes.
Goetsch says supporting Dine Out and Shop Around is as easy as looking up your favorite restaurant, then dining in or ordering take-out on Thursday. You can also support the cause by shopping at participating businesses.
“As participants they will donate a percentage of their sales for the day. We have several retail stores involved as well . Those range from clothing to jewelry to chocolate,” said Goetsch.
A full list of participating businesses can be found here. Information on how to donate directly or request funding can also be found at the website.
Be Amazing honors Karen Barclay, Dianne Renaud-Look, Sara Quirt-Sann, and Everest Metro PD Det. Jason Weiland.