Hello Lovelies!
Welcome back to my Eleve Medspa Journey, and today was extremely exciting because… The results are in.
My entire body analysis came back and I went to talk with Dr. Babiarz and my Wellness Coordinator, Katrina. They gave me a packet that had everything laid out for me:
- The Results / The Numbers: This not only showed me my levels, but also showed me what the average levels are / where they should be. The tests all concluded that my body makes too much insulin, which could explain my mid-day fatigue / crashes and lead to pre-diabetes and eventually diabetes in the future. (I eat too much sugar and simple carbs – shocker!) I have higher than normal CRP levels, meaning too much inflammation in the body frequently. This could contribute to my headaches, and could lead to infections, heart disease, and a weakened immune system down the road. The test results also concluded that I have about 36% Body fat, and 60% lean muscle. The ratio should be more like 20% body fat and 80% lean muscle. I used to burn calories at a high level in high school, and now I tend to burn them at a slower than average level. My fat burning zone is when my heartrate is at 140-150 beats per minute, and my vitamin D is low.
- The Action Plan: I actually LOVE this plan that Dr. Babiarz and Katrina came up with for me because it’s so doable. When it comes to exercise and mobility, I should aim for 30-60 minutes of exercise daily, 20 minutes of that with my heartrate at 140 bpm. I can easily achieve this by using the treadmill or bike / step climber, etc. Once that routine is established, then can start integrating strength training two times a week. Then down the road, they’ll integrate H.I.I.T. When it comes to diet, I should focus mostly on eating lean meats, fish, and vegetables. Protein is key as well. The hardest part for me will be avoiding sugar and simple carbs, because that’s mostly what my diet consists of right now. However I am totally up for the challenge! They also gave me supplements, such as Creatine Monohydrate and Vitamin D to help with healthy muscle growth and mood.
I am stoked to start recording my progress and see if I can make my goal! I need to get that Summer Bod before June, but more importantly, make small changes to correct issues now so I can prevent even bigger issues in the future.
Thanks for reading, stay tuned for my blog next week!
-Mikala / WDEZ