Hello lovelies!
I have adored my time at Eleve Medspa so far. So as you already read from my first blog, you know I had my first appointment, which was where they did my VO2 Max Fitness Assessment (measuring my heartrate and metabolic rate while sitting / relaxing, and then also while exercising on the treadmill) to see how my body burns calories, and what my endurance is like …. Plot twist: it’s not in the best shape at the moment!
I knew I was about to start a journey when they told me there were improvements to make- and this was something I always knew, I just never knew where to start or what I was working with.
On the outside, I’m a 5’9″ girl, so I’m pretty tall which gives the appearance that I’m slim. I’ve always been “underweight”, at least up until I had kids. Since then, I’ve gained a decent amount of weight, nothing alarming or concerning, just enough for my “mom pouch” to annoy me when I sit down. I had no idea just how much of my body was pure fat, and so this next part is interesting.
I had my second appointment with Katrina, the fabulous Vitality Program Wellness Coordinator, and they gave me that super sweet syrup (you know the same drink they give pregnant women when seeing if they have the gestational diabetes – yeah THAT one) to measure how my body processes sugar. They gave me the warm blanket again (my FAVE) and Katrina asked me all sorts of questions about my current health, my health history, and my families health history. They took blood samples from me as well so that they could test those to check my vitamin levels, etc. She gained tons of information from me, plugged it into her computer, and also chatted with me about my own personal health goals. I told her I wasn’t looking to lose a ton of weight, I just wanted to be stronger and maybe more toned. She said “that sounds perfect, let’s head over to your DEXA Scan.”
She took me over to the room that had what looked like a large rectangle box to lay on, with a scanning device over the top. I was instructed to lay very still for a couple of minutes, the scanner went over my whole body, and suddenly I was able to see on the computer screen something I never have before – my own skeleton! Not only that, but it also showed me my body scan – the red outer lining indicated the pure fat, and the green on the inside indicated my lean muscle.
I was so intrigued by this, and Katrina set me up with the DexaFit App on my phone. Super easy to use, and it shows all of my test results right there. It gave me a score, or a biological “Age” of 33 years old, which is a little over 5 years older than what I currently am. This means I need to catch up to speed! I’m not trying to AGE faster than I should!
The next time I visit Eleve in a couple weeks, I will get my blood test results back and I’ll get to talk with the Physician to create a plan with him tailored to MY unique body characteristics. That’s what I love about the Vitality program, it’s not just a one-size-fits-all, it’s a plan made especially for you so that you KNOW what to work on. We don’t have time to waste on things that don’t need fixing!
I always feel so valued when I walk into Eleve, and they will make you feel like that too.
Stay tuned for my next blog update!
-Mikala / WDEZ