Wausau School District. MWC file photo.
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — Voters in Wausau will consider a five-year, $8 million school referendum question on April 1st.
Assistant Superintendent for Operations Josh Viegut says the district’s data continues to show that if passed, the referendum would have minimal impact on the school portion of the property tax bill. “Based on what we currently know, we imagine our tax levy will stay flat. The district and the board have chosen to use debt defeasance to prepay debt, creating some flexibility and allowing us to not increase the burden on taxpayers.”
He says the district has essentially paid down enough debt that shifting $8 million from debt servicing to the general fund would not have a negative impact on the former. “Instead of pre-paying $8 million annually, we will use that for operation. Of course, we will still make our payments on capital debt,” said Viegut.
The $8 million would fund student programs, staff salaries, and ongoing maintenance needs over the next five years. It would also help close a looming budget deficit.
The board approved the question with a 7-1 vote. Cory Sillers was the lone no vote, and Vice President Lance Trollop abstained from the discussion as he does with all items that could impact district salaries.
Viegut says the district is planning public information sessions, mailers, and an information page on the district’s website to help inform voters about the referendum. “Community outreach and engagement is a huge part of any successful school district and successful referendum. We look forward to the opportunity to engage the public.”