WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — Wausau Mayor Doug Diny says his New Year’s Resolution for the city is more transparency in city council agendas.
That means having all agenda packets ready six days before a meeting, something he’s working on with City Clerk Kaitlyn Bernarde. “It may be a boring topic, but it may not be so much [for some.] We have set guidelines, timelines, and tasks for [department] directors to get agenda and packet items in by a certain time and date. Then on the Wednesday before she can have a draft agenda to me, I sign off on it, and it gets published.”
He says having those items ready in advance helps everyone. “Not only does it give Alders a chance to brush up on everything before [the meeting] but it is [good for] the press and the public. I think that’s a positive, and it doesn’t cost very much. Running more efficiently helps the whole system.
“I am hoping we don’t go back to publishing these things on a Friday or Monday before a Tuesday meeting,” added Diny.
Agendas include all items up for discussion or action by the Council. The packet includes supporting documents on those items, such as purchase orders, proposals from a developer, or details about a piece of equipment a city department is asking to purchase.
All agenda materials are available on the city’s website in a PDF format and can be accessed through a desktop computer, smartphone, or tablet.
Other topics Diny covered with WSAU’s Mike Leischner include:
Start of video- New office decorations
2:15- Foundry update
5:50- Winter maintenance update
10:00- Improving timelines for city agenda materials
11:00- Search for a new HR Manager