Wausau School Bell. MWC photo by Mike Leischner
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — The Wausau School Board held an informational workshop on Monday regarding a potential operating referendum for the April 1st Election.
Assistant Superintendent for Operations Josh Viegut emphasized that the session was for information only. “Rather than a specific recommendation, we wanted to get input from the board and talk about what could potentially be brought to them next Monday [January 13th.]”
While Monday’s session did not include a final decision, materials presented to the board indicated a recommendation for a non-recurring referendum of $6-8 million. Viegut says that’s due to debt management practices deployed by previous budgets. “There’s been some space created within the levy [for] an operational referendum with minimal tax impact to homeowners.”
He says an operational referendum would mean more opportunities for students in all areas. “Elective classes, arts, athletics- I think anything could benefit from a referendum.”
The board will meet on Monday, January 13th. That agenda will likely include consideration of a referendum.
The next board meeting is Wednesday at the East High School Auditorium for a final presentation from the Elementary Restructuring Task Force. The agenda includes public comment and a request for potential action on the recommendations.