WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — After months of discussion dating back to last summer a formal restructuring proposal for the Wausau School District is coming later this month.
Board members spent more than 80 minutes hearing presentations and discussing the issue on Monday. Much of the conversation centered on the number of questions about the process that they can’t answer right now.
“We have questions, and we need answers before we can give a nod to anything as we move forward,” said Board President Jim Bouche. “I believe you are at that point, do we give a nod so you can get a plan together and we can take a look at it? Accept it, refuse it, whatever the case may be.”
Others on the board said they want to see logistics including how transportation between schools may work out for students. Especially those at the high school level, who may end up going to one high school campus for their freshman and sophomore years, then finishing their junior and senior years at the other. Board member Pat McKee noted that could mean students would put on more miles going to school in Wausau for four years than they would by open enrolling to D.C. Everest. “The logistics of this are going to be paramount. We are putting people closer [through quicker travel times] to DCE than we are to [the current] Wausau East. Those types of things, and the negative impact that could have on our revenue going forward, need to be clearly understood.
“I am not for or against anything. I am for doing smart things, I am against doing stupid things,” added McKee. “I’m not implying that we are at any stage of that spectrum right now. I just think we need to go in eyes wide open on the risks.”
Dr. Keith Hilts said he appreciates that discussion and they will start to answer those questions with a formal proposal later this month. He said this is still a time for discussion, adding the formal proposal can still be worked on. “The final planning process is where all those questions are answered.”
Hilts also promised that the proposal would be developed with transparency for everyone involved including teachers, staff, and the community.
No formal vote was taken on the matter. The item was not agendized for action, though Hilts said his team did need direction from the board to begin the process.
Monday’s discussion also included more presentations from staff members on how restructuring could benefit students and staff by increasing efficiency and removing barriers such as class size and working between multiple buildings. Some even discussed how merging East and West into one district-wide varsity athletic department could benefit student-athletes, coaches, and administrators.
The formal plan is expected to come back to the body by January 23rd. Hilts said that meeting will likely be moved to one of the district’s auditoriums to allow for a larger audience.