WISCONSIN RAPIDS, WI (WSAU) — As outdoor spaces transition from summer to fall, the parks department and police department in Wisconsin Rapids have been busy cleaning up some vandalism.
Wisconsin Rapids Mayor Shane Blaser says the vandalism occurred in mid-August to the Skate Park and the new Aquatics Center shortly after it closed for the season. “We’ve had some young adult issues with kids. They’ve damaged the picnic tables, thousands of dollars worth of damage to the picnic tables. We had damage done in the restrooms over at the Aquatics Center that is open to the public during the day.”
The restrooms and skate park were closed for a week and a half earlier this month for repairs. Repairs on the restrooms and the Skate Park were finished just before our Mayors Monday conversation according to Blaser.
“The police have been working on that and have caught quite a few of the people involved. It caused the skate park and the restrooms to be shut down for a while. And then on Monday, our Parks and Rec Commission reopened the facilities. Adjusted the hours on the restrooms but with our brand new pickleball courts, they need the restrooms open.”
The picnic tables damaged in the vandalism have been replaced while other portions of the vandalism are being worked on by maintenance crews. To get ready for the fall season Blaser says the city has started blowing out sprinklers and getting the parks ready for the transition into winter.
Other topics Blaser discussed with WSAU’s Liz Holbrook include:
Start of video – Beginning of fall season and recent vandalism
2:11 – Halloween and trick or treating in the city during COVID
3:12 – Potential changes to road special assessments process
5:35 – End of construction season
6:17 – Fall events and spaces in Wisconsin Rapids